In the national Talentprogramme Leadership for the Circular Transition (LCT), we prepare students to play their part in the transition towards a circular world by developing the competencies and skills they need. Students work together with fellow students mbo, hbo and wo. Experts and teachers from the field of sustainability and circular transitions meet each other during informal learning community meetings.

"I made really big changes personally, but also on
the case of circularity" - LCT Student, 2022

About the LCT programme

The LCT-programme consists of an annual National Hackthon Circular Economy, in which students work together on a national challenge. Next to that, we organise communitymeetings in which we bring the participating educational institutions from the LCT network togerther.

The aim is to further strengthen and deepen collaborations and to gain new ideas that can be taken back to one's own educational setting. In this way we build a learning community where educational institutions have space to experiment, share experiences, and work together towards sustainable education. 

From 3 to 7 February is the fifth edition of the National Hackathon Circular Economy! During this week, students (mbo, hbo, wo) from different regions in The Netherlands work together to develop creative ideas for a circular challenge. Join forces with other students from all over the Netherlands, join a cool kick-off, follow (online) expert workshops and pitch your idea at the Grande Finale!

We will announce the theme for this year soon. Previous years, for example, NS & Prorail gave students an issue about making stations waste-free by 2040, in 2024 students gave up their to develop creative ideas for Slow Fashion, together with H&M and New Optimist.

"Working with people from different backgrounds really opens up paths to new creative ideas." - LCT Student 2023

What's in it for students?

  • Learn what you can do for a circular world within your discipline and beyond.
  • Get an unique opportunity to learn outside of regular courses and institutions.
  • Meet fellow students who are passionate about sustainability.
  • Work with students from MBO's, HBO's and WO's in your own region and from all over the Netherlands.
  • Learn from one another's strengths.
  • Develop your leadership skills, build up a strong network of (future) leaders and work towards a great addition to your CV.
  • Receive a certificate for attending (or winning) the National Hackathon. 

We hope to see you!

Made possible by:

If you have any questions, please contact the coördinator: 

Dianne de Fijter |